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State Chapter


NAREDCO deals with and represents all matters related to real estate development by both private and public sector, including planning and layout of colonies, construction of residential, commercial and institutional buildings, development of townships, provision of physical and social infrastructure etc. Besides representing these various interests, the apex body is also the spearhead for evolving, recommending and pursuing the policies with Government authorities in relation to all aspects of real estate development. The apex body has on it the representatives of all various interests connected with or concerned about real estate development.

At the State level, NAREDCO, in association with State Governments, assists in the formation and establishment of State Real Estate Development Council (REDCOs) or State Chapters of NAREDCO. These State REDCOs or State Chapters of NAREDCO operate as autonomous organizations with their own constitution, funds, membership base and Governing body. They operate in relation to the defined geographical region of the respective State.

The state REDCOs or State Chapters of NAREDCO are nodal organization at the State level. Their constitution is similar to that of NAREDCO at the centre. They all work to promote the housing activities in the respective State. The main objective of NAREDCO and its State Chapters is to inculcate self- regulation and ethics in the real estate sector, which is today marred by some unscrupulous fly-by-night operators. The unique concept of NAREDCO and its State Chapters, which has Government and public and private sector representation, leads to quick redressel of the problems faced by various interest groups in the housing sector.

Based on the initiatives of NAREDCO, the following State REDCOs have been formed and have started working:

State Chapter Presidents